One step at a time
樱 宁
One step at a time, and that well placed, We reach the grandest height; One stroke at a time, earth's hidden stores Will slowly come to light; One seed at a time, and the forest grows; One drop at a time, and the river flows, Into the boundless sea,
One word at a time, and the greatest book Is written and is read; One stone at a time, and the palace rears Aloft its stately head; One blow at a time, and the tree's cleft through, And a city will stand where the forest, grew A few short years before.
One foe at a time, and be subdued, And the conflict will be won;
One grain at a time, and the sands of life Will slowly all be run; One minute, another, the hours thus fly; One day at a time, and our lives speed by Into eternity!
不积跬步,无以致千里 不积微凿,无以掘深矿 不积纤种,无以育森林 不积小流,无以成海洋
不积片言,无以就巨著 不积卵石,无以固宫墙 不积寸锯,无以裂古木 沧海桑田,密林换市坊
临敌当忍,一笑泯恩仇 风蚀砂砾,人生转瞬殇 驹隙长流,韶华逝若水 格物致志,终达智慧光
One grair of knowledge, and that well stored, Another and more on them; As time rolls on your mind will shine With many a garnered gem Of thought and wisdom. And time will tell "One thing at a time, and that done well," Is wisdom's proven rule.
XHH童心忽起翻译第一小段,抛砖之意在引玉。 恭请才女火狐把玉抛出来。
一步一步又一步, 踏上山岭最高处; 一锤一锤又一锤, 大地宝藏现光辉; 一粒一粒又一粒, 明日森林覆大地; 一滴一滴又一滴, 小水滴汇成江河直奔海洋妈妈怀抱里。